Trips from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat and back are very popular among travelers to Vietnam. A huge number of international flights arrive in the largest city in the country, which is just Ho Chi Minh City. In addition, the distance from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat is almost five times less than from the capital of the country, the city of Hanoi. Currently, it is possible to get to Dalat from Ho Chi Minh City using several modes of transport, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. Below on the page you will find information on how to quickly and inexpensively overcome the path between the cities and will be able to pre-plan your vacation in Vietnam and the cost of transport.
If you do not want to spend your time reading, you can simply use the search form below. Just enter your desired date and click “Find Tickets”. In the results you can see the schedule of transport and its cost, read reviews about transport companies and see the place of landing and disembarking on the map. Also there you have the opportunity to choose 1 of 10 supported languages, as well as currency – local or any of the 25 others.
Distance between Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat
Both cities are located in the southern part of Vietnam, but even the direct distance between Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat is 235 km (145 miles). Due to the difficult terrain of the country, even the shortest way along the roads of Vietnam is 308 km (192 miles). In this case, due to the large number of turns on the highway to develop too much speed will not work. As a result, you can overcome this distance only in 6.5 – 7 hours (if you move non-stop and observe the speed limit). The distance between the airports of several more short: 213 km (133 miles). For air transport, this distance is quite small and most passenger aircraft overcome it in 50-60 minutes.

Distance between Ho Chi Minh City and Dalat on the map
Buses from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat
As it was already written above, it takes about seven hours to overcome the distance between cities. As a result, buses and minibuses that carry passengers along the route have serious requirements in terms of comfort. But in this situation, there is no need to worry at all: today, many flights from several transport companies depart from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat and back. At the same time, both mini-buses and buses offer a very high level of comfort on the road. With the help of the search form placed at the top of the page you can quickly check the availability of buses and minibuses between cities for the dates you need.

Salon semi sleeping bus Thanh Buoi from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat
One of the lowest fares for travel from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat is from the transport company Thanh Buoi, and the buses of which leave the company’s bus station every hour, even at night. Moreover, with a more detailed study of the search results, you can see that at some hours even two buses are sent along the desired route. At the same time, the cost of buses varies significantly. This is due to the fact that the company Thanh Buoi has two types of buses: semi sleeper and sleeper (VIP 20). Above on the page there is an illustration showing the salon of the semi sleeper bus of the company.
Below you can see and visually assess the comfort level of sleeping buses from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat. In the second case, these are not just wide folding-back seats, but full-fledged sleeping places. The places are located on two levels and are equipped with curtains and individual multimedia with a large LCD display. It should be noted that sleeping buses, which are designated as VIP 20 (by the number of seats in the cabin), depart from Ho Chi Minh City not only at night, but also during the daytime, which may seem somewhat unusual. In addition to a greater level of comfort, in VIP 20 buses, individual dry rations (water or juice with rolls or biscuits) are included in the ticket price.

VIP 20 Bus of Thanh Buoi from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat
Thus, you have a choice: pay 12.4 USD and travel by bus with semi sleeper seats, or pay 1.5 times more and travel to Dalat by lying. Particularly relevant is the second option at night, when tourists can not just save on the hotel, departing from Ho Chi Minh in the evening and arriving in Dalat in the morning, but also sleep well in the bus.
The second company whose buses take you from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat is Minh Tri Limousine. Buses of this company are also divided into two types: VIP 20 and VIP. In the first case, you will be offered a large modern bus with three rows of seats in the cabin. But unlike Thanh Buoi, VIP 20 is not sleeper bus, but the semi sleeper bus and ticket includes a dry ration for each passenger. In addition, the company’s buses depart from Ho Chi Minh City only 5 times a day, so finding the time optimal for you will be a little more difficult.

VIP Minibus of Minh Tri Limousine from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat
VIP buses of the company are modern business class mini-bass. By the way, the difference in cost between different types of transport at Minh Tri Limousine is only 3 USD, so the choice of one option or another will depend more on your personal preferences, and not on the price. Like the semi-sleeping buses of the company, minibuses depart from Ho Chi Minh City 5 times a day – from 09:00 am to 11:00 pm. Travel time to Dalat is 7 hours. All buses of the company are equipped with air conditioning, so during the trip it is better to carry a light jacket.
Phuong Trang is Vietnam’s third most popular bus company. The cost of a trip to Dalat from Ho Chi Minh City on the semi sleeping buses of this company is also 12.4 USD. Buses are relatively new, the seats are comfortable, but the travel time is 8 hours due to stops. The extra hour during night journeys is never superfluous, but not every traveler wants to lose an extra hour during the day. Despite this, the seats in buses of this company are often sold out many days before the trip and may not be available on selected dates.

Comfortable seats in the bus Thinh Phat Limousine
Thinh Phat Limousine is another transport company that offers you to get from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat with a high level of comfort. In contrast to the above options, the company’s buses are medium-sized and equipped with comfortable leather seats. Those. This is a compromise option for those who do not like big passenger buses, but at the same time they experience discomfort while trip in minibuses. Is the fare to Dalat from Ho Chi Minh City in this case 18.5 USD, and the travel time is almost standard 7 hours.
Finally, the most affordable option available is The SinhTourist buses. The cost of a 7-hour trip on the semi sleeper bus of company from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat is 11.2 USD. Buses are not the latest model, but passenger seats are quite convenient. Among the shortcomings can be noted the presence of only two buses per day – at 08:30 in the morning and at 22:00 in the evening. But there is also a weighty advantage – the guaranteed possibility of free cancellation of your ticket or change of the date of travel (for other bus companies, additional charges may apply). I also remind you that it makes sense to choose the bus company that offers the most convenient points of departure and arrival in the cities.

Semi sleeper bus of SinhTourist from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat
Flights from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat – fast and cheap
In Ho Chi Minh City is located one of the largest international airports in Vietnam, which is called Tan Son Nhat. Dalat city also has an international airport called Lienkhuongyu. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are many flights between the two cities every day and several airlines operate such flights. Due to the short distance for air transport, direct flights between cities last less than one hour.

The cost of the flight from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat
Using the widget at the top of the page, you can easily find several offers from Vietnamese airlines VietJet Air, Vietnam Airlines and Jetstar Pacific. As you can see, with early booking, the cost of a flight from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat is only 21.4 USD, which is comparable to the price of the most expensive bus along a similar route. This price can be found on both morning and evening flights. The truth is to remember that VietJet Air is a local loukoster, and the price shown includes only 7 kg of hand baggage. If you want to get to Dalat with a large suitcase, you will have to pay extra about 300 thousand dong (almost 13 USD).

Airline tickets Vietnam Airlines from Ho Chi Minh to Dalat include baggage allowance.
In cases where you choose Vietnam Airlines for a flight, the price indicated on the website immediately includes the transportation of 20 kg of checked baggage. It should also be remembered that during flights between cities you will spend not only 50 minutes in the air, but also a few extra hours on the way to the airport and from the airport, as well as the time you have to spend on passing all procedures at the airport and time in the hall waiting. By the way, you can always use the KiwiTaxi for such trips and find out in advance the full cost of the road from the hotel to the airport or from the airport to any point in the destination city.
From Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat by taxi
Despite the great distance, taxis between cities are also popular with wealthy travelers and those who prefer comfort and a greater degree of freedom on the way. When using the search form on this page, you can book a taxi for travel between cities, but the cost in this case will be more than 160 USD. Therefore, it is better to use the international service KiwiTaxi for pre-ordering a car transfer. In addition to the ability to repay the trip in whole or in part in your currency, this service will save about 20 USD.
Thus, you can get from Ho Chi Minh City to Dalat by various means of transport, the cost of which differs by several times. At the same time, a large number of bus companies and airlines will allow you to choose the most optimal option both in terms of cost and schedule. Pleasant and safe trips!
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